The Data Protection Act 2018 controls how your personal information is used by organisations. Highland Residential Ltd is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of the legislation are met by adhering to the six data protection principles:

· Lawfulness, fairness and transparency

· Purpose limitation

· Data minimisation

· Accuracy

· Storage limitation

· Integrity and confidentiality

Highland Residential Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Albyn Group, and you can view our Group Data Protection Policy here.


Privacy Notices

Our privacy notices tell you what to expect us to do with your personal information when you make contact with us or use one of our services.

HRIL Factoring Services Privacy Notice

HRIL Mid Market Rent Tenant Privacy Notice

HRIL Residential Lettings Landlord Privacy Notice

HRIL Residential Lettings Tenant Privacy Notice

HRIL Website Privacy Notice


Highland Residential Ltd also administer the Help to Buy Scheme and LIFT New Supply Shared Equity Scheme on behalf of the Scottish Government.


Subject Access Requests

The Data Protection Act 2018 gives you a number of rights including the right to find out if an organisation is using or storing personal data about you. This is called the right of access.


You can exercise this right by asking for a copy of the personal data held, which is known as making a ‘Subject Access Request’.


To find out how to make a Subject Access Request, please visit the Albyn Group website.